Do you believe in miracles?

Do you believe in miracles? I certainly do. You see, I have to believe in miracles because I am living proof of miracles. I’m not boasting. BELIEVE IT. According to my loved ones, the fact that I am alive is a miracle. My Rabbi calls me his “miracle boy”. That’s because in February 2019 I survived a massive stroke and a coma. The doctors wanted to disconnect me from life support. They told my family that it was better to let me go because I suffered severe brain damage due to the stroke and I would never be able to walk, talk or feed myself. The miracle is that my brother did not allow them to disconnect me from life support and I eventually came out of the coma alive Thanks to the love and support of my family and my girlfriend, I am alive today. I spent six months in a hospital bed recovering. Six months of the most difficult and excruciatingly painful physical therapy. It was so painful that my screams could be heard all the way down the hall in the hospital. Later, I was moved to a rehab facility where I could get help with physical therapy and my recovery. The therapy was still very painful. So painful that I questioned if it really was a miracle that I survived. Why was my life spared? Why did so many people keep telling me that I was lucky? I didn’t feel lucky. I was angry and scared! All I had to look forward to was intense soul crushing pain and agony. Was I destined to endure a life of endless pain? Was I strong enough to endure what was ahead? it got to the point that I grew sick and tired of hearing every doctor tell me that I was a miracle. How could I believe in that miracle amidst all of the suffering that I had to endure? It seemed to me that my life was figuratively over. I couldn’t get out of bed and I couldn’t walk. I would never be able to get back on my motorcycle. It felt like I was dealt a bad hand. I got a raw deal. Then, I was told that people as young as me did not normally survive through a stroke as bad as mine was. I finally realized why it was indeed a miracle that I survived. But I could not understand why God had spared my life. Was it for a greater purpose? Maybe I had a job to do. At that point I decided to make a promise to God. I promised to dedicate my life to helping victims of stroke if God would give me the strength to endure all of my constant daily pain. Every morning the nurses would come to my room to bathe me But. They would roll my body over and over again which was very painful because the muscles and tendons in my left hip had atrophied from laying down in bed for many months. It was so painful that at night I hoped that I would not Wake up the following morning. I dreaded whatever was to come in the morning. It was physical and mental torture. I   asked God to please help me through this nightmare so that I could keep my promise to help stroke survivors. Maybe I could write a book for stroke survivors or start a support group. Maybe that was my purpose. To help improve the quality of life for stroke survivors. That is the reason I created s my stroke survivors     forum dedicated to helping stroke survivors with helpful information and motivation. If you have a friend or family member that is dealing with the effects of  a stroke, then please encourage them to visit our we it’s safe place to post questions and ask for advice on dealing with the effects of a stroke, find info on realistic and effective rehabilitation ideas and techniques. Share   your stroke experiences  with like-minded stroke survivors and join a community of people that have experienced the same pain and suffering that you have. Browse topics that are relevant to you and your recovery.

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